Uvalde Survey

Complete for a special gift from us to you!

Complete Survey and Receive a Thank You Gift

Complete Survey and Receive a Thank You Momento

1. What city and state are you currently from?

1. What city and state are you currently from?

2. Have you visited Uvalde before?*

2. Have you visited Uvalde before?*

3. Why are you in Uvalde today? (Check one.)*

3. Why are you in Uvalde today? (Check one.)*

4. What do you most want to do while in Uvalde? (Check all that apply.)*

4. What do you most want to do while in Uvalde? (Check all that apply.)*

Receive Thank You Gift
Complete this section. Once your email is entered, you will receive an email with a coupon gift from us to you.

1. Name*

1. Name*

2. Email*

2. Email*