Uvalde Trivia Quiz How many of these questions can you answer correctly? 42 Uvalde Triva Quiz 1 / 5 How did Uvalde get its name? It was named for the Director of the parish of the Sacred Heart. It was named for the first lawman in the territroy, John Ugalde Black. It was name for the Sabinal River originally called the Uvalde River. It was named for Spanish governor, Juan de Ugalde. It was named for General Uvalde S. Moses, one of it's original settlers. 2 / 5 What was the population of Ulvade according to the 2020 census? 18,423 15,217 12,307 22,564 25,110 3 / 5 Which of these notable people is not from Uvalde? Matthew McConaughey Dale Evans Dolph Briscoe Pat Garrett Roy Rogers 4 / 5 What product is does Uvalde produce and is known for? Honey Bison Steak Blue Gill Fish Oil Oats 5 / 5 What was the original name of Uvalde? Crossroads Hobbs City Encina Chalk Bluff Nueces Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte